In the months Aug-Nov 2007 i was in Auburn/Alabama to work there as Welder. In my Freetime I also was enjoying myself with hang up in bars ans clubs. I met a lot very nice people, drank a lot with them and we had much fun. One day the Bar Quixotes has been very emty and the people there seemed to be a little bit angry. I didnīt understand it... (Later i figured out that it was caused by the lost Auburn Football game...) I would drink out my beer and go home again. While i was thinking about "how to call a taxi without an US Cellphone" which was always really unsuccesfull, i met a girl...J U L I A She was nice, but i was pissed on, cause the evening was bad, more than ever. But after i gave her the lighter to glow up her cigarette, we talked a few words till I asked if she could call me taxi. She said: yes, of course i can, but i would find it better to drive you. So she asked me, if she can drive me. I sad yes, and everything was good =) She goes to call her friends who has been with her and we went to search her car. We searched a long time.... But we had enough time to talk more. On the way, she asked me, if i would go to another party with them. I sad yes, but the others didnīt want. So she told me that sheīs living in an own apartment and that we both will go to her. Perfect: She was so nice and beautiful, she was a perfect match! We talked about her grandvather who was a german, about my little daughter an she told me that sheīs a tigers fan. And she told me thousand times that iīm so beautiful and cute, and she was loving my hairstyle. I was not able to believe all this. It was to perfect. But it was real. She was with 2 or 3 guys an a pregnat girl. Her pregnant girlfriend was the only one who wasnīt drunken. So she asked if it isnīt better, if she drives. I recommended it too. But Julia would drive by herself. When we found the car, Julia wanted to prove absolutely that she still can drive. When she shot at full speed backward from the parking, all the others stood outside, only her pregnant girlfriend stood in the open door. oops... (I hope her Baby is doing well) At the same moment when her friend screamed quite loudly (something like: bitch, babykiller, etc...) drove past a patrol car. Then all came quickly into the car, so the police will not further attention. We drove. About half a mile later, the police stopped us. Her Friends told me that she must pass 3 tests... She failed, the handcuffs clicked. While the police officer was searching a Solution to get me home, i was standing at the police car by julia. She gave me the hottest kisses i have ever get through the slightly open window, while she bagged me really to get my phone number. And she promissed me that she will not forget me even when sheīs sober again. It was like a Dream, only real... I explained her that my German Cellphone never works. She had no Cellphone. I should give my Adress to her girlfriend, that she can contact me when she comes free. Done! When the Officer (the bad one) yelled that I should get away from the car, I kissed her one last beautiful time. It was awesome. And now, the police Officer (the nice one), who told me that he was 2 Jears in Collogne (Germany) asked me about my Adress to drive me home. I gave him the self Adress as Julias Girlfriend. 35 MeadowBrook. After we drove for a while, he asked: where exactly? I looked around and said: not here. I live in MeadowBrook. Then he showed me a sign that said: MeadowBrook. oops... I explained him that i was living in a park with a lot Appartments. He asked me: Do you mean "Arbors at MeadowBrook"? I remembered and said:yes. He noted that we were almost neighbors... When I got Home, i couldnīt sleep the whole night becouse i thought of her. I waited for 5 long days on her, but she did not come. I watched every car, went every evening after work until night in the bar where I met her and I looked after the police Officer, my neighbor. Unsuccsessful. I did not even know if she ever came already free. Or has she been looking in the wrong meadowbrook? After these 5 days I went by chance through the main entrance to my apartment, where my house number hung. (The main door I've never used because the side door was right on the parking) A note hung on the door, and it was not the neighbor who complained about my loud music... There was written: looking for German friend #334 69 53 586 (I figured out that itīs in Eufaula AL) call me! Julia
May you can call there for me to ask, if you read this.=) thx
Oh my God, she was there. I immediately set up a landline number on skype. And then I immediately called and a guy answered the phone. I told him briefly who I am and what I want. I have not always understood him completely, but I was sure he said that he is the friend of Juliaīs pregnant best friend. He told me very kindly, that the two are still together away, but should be back in half an hour and asked if she can call me back. I gave him my newly created number. A few hours later she was still calling not. So I called again, and had him back on the handset. This time I understood nothing, except that he said at the end: Dontīcall me again... Now it was over. Because I understood nothing of what he said I asked a friend for me to call there. He was from Atlanta. He has just told me then, that he does not really understand, but he sounds pretty annoyed. A few days later another friend told me that my Skype number does not work. He kept trying to call me, but could not. I still went every night after work into the bar where i met her. I have never seen her again. I searchend in google, my space, facebook, in the university community, but found nothing. One day was my last, and i flew back home, because my time was over. Since I'm at home, 3 years now, I think every day to her, and keep searching. But i must find her. I want talk to her only one time. May she can explain me her Story.... And i wish to get only one Picture of her. I have none. Everything I got from her, is this number. The note she hung on my door, has landed in the trash. Thank you Housekeeper.
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